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No Dental Anxiety? Why Would Sedation Dentistry Be Recommended?    

April 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — indydentalteam @ 10:49 pm
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If you don’t struggle with dental anxiety, you may wonder why your dentist is recommending sedation dentistry. Nitrous oxide is commonly used to help ease nerves and calm the fears of those who dislike visiting the dentist’s office, but are there other reasons it might be helpful? Read on to discover the alternative benefits of sedation and how it can help you during your next appointment.

Sedation Helps Reduce Discomfort

You may not be fearful of the dentist, but if you’re like most patients, you do not like the feeling of pain. While there is a good chance that you’ll receive local anesthesia for any type of restorative care you receive, you might also be recommended for sedation dentistry.

Its ability extends beyond calming nerves but also alleviates the potential for discomfort throughout treatment. Instead, you can expect to feel more relaxed so that you don’t tense up in anticipation of anything that might cause pain.

Sedation Allows the Procedure to Move Along More Quickly

Depending on the type of procedure you need, sedation dentistry can help to reduce the amount of time you spend in the dentist’s chair.

By breathing in nitrous oxide, you will remain relaxed and at ease, allowing your dentist to conduct the necessary treatment more swiftly than if you were under no sedation at all. Minor wincing and requests can prolong the timespan for care whereas, with nitrous oxide, you can be done with your visit in less time.

Sedation Makes It Possible to Conduct More Than One Dental Procedure

When more than one dental treatment is required, dentists may find that it’s best to break them up into multiple appointments if sedation is not used. However, you can avoid repeated visits to the dentist’s office if you opt for nitrous oxide.

The use of sedation allows for a calmer experience – one in which your dentist can work without interruption. Instead of stopping to address discomfort along the way, it takes away this concern and creates a space where you and your dentist can feel confident that you are at ease while undergoing treatment, even when multiple procedures are required.

Dental anxiety may be the primary reason for sedation dentistry, but it’s not the only one. If recommended by your dentist, trust that its use will only ensure a more comfortable and efficient dental appointment for everyone involved.

About the Practice
Indy Dental Group consists of a team of dentists who are committed to helping patients have positive experiences when visiting our dental office. Offering sedation dentistry to not only alleviate anxiety but also ease discomfort and allow for more comfortable procedures, we encourage you to contact us at (317) 846-6125 to learn how we can help you get the care you need.



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