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Time’s Almost Up! How to Maximize Your Dental Benefits Before the End of 2020

November 16, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — indydentalteam @ 7:41 pm
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Knowing the ins and outs of dental insurance can be overwhelming. Are you covered? Have you met your deductible? What are my out of pocket expenses? While each plan is different and requires different premiums, deductibles, and annual maximums, one thing is the same – your benefits do not roll over with the start of a new year. In fact, most dentists will tell you to “use them or lose them” because it’s true. Anything remaining will be sent back to your insurer at midnight on December 31. If you avoid this potential pitfall, let a dentist share ways to maximize dental insurance benefits before they expire at the end of 2020.


How to Achieve the Results You Want with Invisalign in Indianapolis

July 9, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — indydentalteam @ 1:11 pm

Indy Dental Group logo PCThere is nothing better than having a confident, healthy smile. Not only does it offer a more aesthetically pleasing appearance that makes you feel good, but it also contributes to your overall health. For most people, this kind of smile isn’t usually something you’re born with. It often requires the expertise of a dental professional to help you achieve the kind of results you want. If crooked teeth are keeping you from feeling and looking your best, there’s no better solution than allowing a properly trained and certified dentist treat your smile with Invisalign in Indianapolis by Indy Dental Group. Find out more about this effective orthodontic treatment and how it can properly align your smile.


The Importance of Good Oral Health

February 8, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 11:46 am

Indy Dental Group logo PCIt is well understood that poor oral hygiene and infrequent visits to the dentist can put you at a higher risk for developing oral diseases such as tooth decay and gum disease, but what about the rest of your body?  The mouth is often thought of a separate entity, but in reality it is the entryway to the rest of your body.  Conditions that arise in your mouth can affect your body as a whole, and conditions that arise elsewhere in the body can affect or manifest themselves in your mouth.  Diabetics, for example, are at a higher risk for developing gum disease as high blood sugar levels can lead to inflammation.  With diabetes, it is a two-way street in which diabetes can affect your gum health, and your gum health can affect your diabetes.  Healthy gums have actually been shown to help with blood sugar control and decrease the progression of the disease.  Poor oral health has also been linked to heart problems.


Can I Recover From Gum Disease?

February 20, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — indydentalteam @ 11:41 am

Indy Dental Group logo PCCan gum disease be cured? Past a certain point, no. It’s a chronic condition, and the thing about chronic conditions is that that are either slow to heal or can never completely be cured — so once you’ve got gum disease, it’s pretty much yours for life. That’s why prevention is key. Keep reading to learn more about the moment beyond which gum disease cannot be cured, and how we manage the condition with expert periodontal therapy here in Indianapolis at Indy Dental Group.


What Do I Do If My Gums Bleed When I Brush?

January 31, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — indydentalteam @ 11:37 am

Indy Dental Group logo PCHealthy mouths don’t bleed — but many people see blood in the sink after they brush or floss. If you, too, experience bleeding gums, you should know that is one of the most common signs of gum disease. Keep reading to learn more about how we can help with periodontal therapy in Indianapolis.


How Do I Know If I Have Gum Disease?

Filed under: Uncategorized — indydentalteam @ 11:35 am

Indy Dental Group logo PCThe Centers for Disease Control estimates that nearly half of adults over the age of 35 have gum disease to some extent. That means the chances that you or a loved one has this chronic condition are very high — but the only way to know for sure is to visit your dentist. When you do, we will look out for some things in particular to determine whether or not you need periodontal therapy in Carmel.


How Is Periodontal/Gum Disease Treated?

Filed under: Uncategorized — indydentalteam @ 11:33 am

Indy Dental Group logo PCGum disease can take a toll on oral and overall health. With estimates saying that nearly half of adults over the age of 35 have gum disease to some extent, it’s clear that the need for periodontal therapy in Westfield is significant. Keep reading to learn more about this common condition and how we treat it at Indy Dental Group.


How To Know If Invisalign in Indianapolis Is Right for You

Filed under: Uncategorized — indydentalteam @ 11:29 am

Indy Dental Group logo PCHaving straight teeth is about more than just looking good. Teeth that line up the way they should are also easier to clean, meaning you can potentially enjoy better oral and overall health as a result of getting braces. Invisalign in Indianapolis is one popular option for adults who do not want to wear visible metal braces for two or more years. If you are ready to do something about your misaligned bite, you may be wondering whether or not clear braces are a good option for you. We’ve got good news — in most cases, the answer is yes. Find out more about why below.


What Is Periodontal/Gum Disease?

Filed under: Uncategorized — indydentalteam @ 11:28 am

Indy Dental Group logo PCGum disease is a condition that affects nearly half of Americans over the age of 35, according to the Centers for Disease Control. That’s a startling number, and it means that we need to start increasing public awareness about this chronic condition. Keep reading to learn more about gum disease — including how to tell when it’s time for periodontal therapy in Wakefield.


What Are the Benefits of Straight Teeth?

December 31, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — indydentalteam @ 11:26 am

Indy Dental Group logo PCHave you considered getting braces as an adult? Straight, well-aligned teeth improve the appearance of your smile– but that’s not the only advantage of seeking orthodontic treatment. There are a number of health benefits, too. And these days, it is possible to straighten your teeth without wearing fixed metal braces, thanks to options like Invisalign in Indianapolis. Keep reading to find out more about how straight teeth can benefit your oral and overall health, and why Invisalign is the preferred method for many adults and teens.


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