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TMJ Treatment – Indianapolis, IN

Getting Rid of Jaw Pain Once and For All

Chronic jaw pain can have a devastating effect on your overall health. Being unable to eat certain foods or even speak without a clicking or popping noise can be frustrating and painful. At Indy Dental Group, our team of professionals is here to minimize your symptoms and help eliminate jaw pain once and for all. With TMJ Treatment, we can customize your care so that you experience relief from extreme discomfort and begin to live a normal, happy, and pain-free life. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

What is TMJ Disorder?

TMJ disorder (TMD) is a problem that occurs when the temporomandibular joints (TMJs), which are located on both sides of the jaw and at the base of the skull, become inflamed or damaged. Instead of moving fluidly, they click, pop, or even lock, resulting in intense pain. TMD can be the result of stress, teeth grinding (bruxism), a misaligned bite, or even facial trauma.

Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

You may not know if you have TMD unless you meet with a dental professional. Using digital imaging and a visual examination, we can pinpoint the problem area and determine the underlying cause of your TMJ; however, some symptoms indicate there is a problem – ones you can identify before you ever see us for treatment. They include:

Types of TMJ Treatment

Seeing a member of our Indy Dental Group team is the first step in receiving the treatment you need for TMJ. Using advanced dental technology and a skilled eye, we can diagnose the issue in-house and prepare a treatment plan that indicates how we suggest addressing TMD in the safest, most comfortable way.

Occlusal Splint

One of the most popular and highly effective solutions used to treat TMJ is an occlusal splint. Similar to a mouthguard that is used to protect against athletic injury or worn tooth enamel, this appliance is customized to fit comfortably inside your mouth. The splint protects teeth from grinding and moving against each other throughout the night, alleviating any pressure and tension that is placed on your jaw joints. When you wake up in the morning, you’ll notice that your mouth feels more relaxed, and you don’t experience the frequent headaches you once did.

TMJ Treatment FAQs

How Long Does It Take for a TMJ Splint to Work?

Occlusal splints for TMD are usually worn in bed every night. You could notice that your symptoms improve right away, but they won’t disappear all at once. It takes some time for the temporomandibular joints and the areas around your jaw to adjust to their new positions. Most patients experience notable improvement after six weeks, but not full relief. In most cases, it takes between three and six months for an occlusal splint to resolve TMD discomfort. Just keep in mind that everyone is different, so your recovery time could be shorter or longer than average.

Can TMJ Be Treated Without Surgery?

Yes! The National Institutes of Health actually recommends using conservative methods for treating TMJ dysfunction whenever possible. Oftentimes, when treating TMD, less is more! Surgery involves making permanent changes to the jaw and nearby anatomy, so it is only ever suggested as a last resort. More often than not, TMD symptoms can be alleviated with less invasive methods, like stress relief and occlusal splints.

Is TMJ Treatment Safe?

As long as you are receiving your TMJ treatment from a qualified professional, it should be completely safe. It is often recommended that TMD dysfunction is treated with as minimally invasive and conservative methods as possible. That’s why at Indy Dental Group, we address TMJ dysfunction with a customized occlusal splint. This treatment option is proven to be safe for addressing TMD.

Can TMJ Be Cured Permanently?

Discomfort associated with TMJ disorder can sometimes get better on its own over time. However, if your symptoms are becoming problematic and impacting your daily life, it’s a good idea to seek professional treatment. Occlusal splints are designed to permanently address jaw tension and other underlying causes of TMD, bringing lasting relief.

Can TMJ Be Fixed with Orthodontic Treatment?

In some cases, TMJ dysfunction is caused by the upper and lower jaws not being aligned properly. It can also be the result of crooked or crowded teeth unevenly distributing the biting force, exerting more pressure on one side of the jaw than the other. In cases like these, bringing the jaws and teeth into proper alignment with orthodontic treatment can alleviate unpleasant TMJ symptoms.



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