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Tooth Extractions – Indianapolis, IN

Gentle & Compassionate Tooth Removal

Here at Indy Dental Group, we strive to help our patients throughout the greater Indianapolis area to retain their natural teeth for as long as possible. However, circumstances may arise that require us to perform gentle and compassionate tooth removal. Why are tooth extractions sometimes necessary, and what can you expect during the procedure? Read on below to learn more about this restorative service, and get in touch with us when you are ready for a consultation.

Why Choose Indy Dental Group For Tooth Extractions?

Reasons Why Tooth Extractions Are Necessary

We might recommend that you undergo one or more tooth extractions if any of the following are true:

The Process of Removing a Tooth

During a tooth extraction, one of the first things we do is make our patients comfortable. This involves numbing the mouth, and in some cases, we provide sedation as well.

Once you are ready, we use an instrument called an elevator to lift the tooth out of its socket. Then, we use forceps to grip the tooth and rock it back and forth in order to break the ligaments that are holding it place. After the tooth is out, we use gauze to control bleeding.

Of course, some extractions are more complicated. For example, if a wisdom tooth is impacted, we may have to create incisions in the gums or break the tooth into pieces before removing it.

Following your extraction, we will talk to you about your tooth replacement options. We may urge you to get a bridge, dental implant, or dentures.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Here are some tips to help you enjoy a smooth recovery following your extractions:

Tooth Extraction FAQs

While tooth extraction may not be ideal, our team at Indy Dental Group will be sure to prioritize your comfort and confidence throughout the process. To ease any concerns, we have compiled our most frequently asked questions below, which you may find helpful before your appointment. Rest assured, our team is ready to answer all your inquiries and address any additional questions you may have. Your well-being is our top priority, and we are here to ensure you feel at ease before, during, and after your procedure. Let us know how we can assist you in feeling comfortable throughout your dental journey.

Does Getting a Tooth Extracted Hurt?

We understand that some patients feel anxious about dental treatments due to the fear of discomfort. To ensure your comfort, we always administer a local anesthetic before any procedure, whether it's a single tooth extraction or multiple treatments. Rest assured – your experience will be as comfortable as possible.

After the procedure, you may experience some minor soreness. Follow our aftercare instructions diligently to promote healing, prevent infection, and reduce swelling. If you notice increasing discomfort or develop a fever, contact us immediately.

Is There an Alternative to a Tooth Extraction?

It depends on your dentist's recommendation and the underlying issue. Root canal therapy might be suitable for advanced decay, while root scaling and planing could address periodontal disease. However, if extraction is necessary, stay calm, as it's the best way to restore your smile's health and eliminate discomfort.

Can I Smoke After Getting a Tooth Extracted?

To promote optimal healing after tooth extraction, you must avoid smoking or using tobacco products like cigars, cigarettes, and e-cigarettes. It's best to abstain from smoking for at least five days after the treatment, but for even better results, refrain from smoking for two weeks or more. If you require assistance to quit smoking, don't hesitate to talk to our team. We are here to support you without judgment and help you prepare for a successful journey toward a healthier, smoke-free lifestyle.

What’s the Difference Between Tooth Extractions and Wisdom Tooth Surgery?

Tooth extractions and wisdom tooth surgery may involve pulling a tooth, but they are not the same procedures.

The most apparent distinction lies in the teeth targeted. Wisdom tooth surgery focuses on removing the third set of molars, while standard extractions handle irreparable teeth or those causing overcrowding.

Furthermore, wisdom tooth extraction qualifies as a surgery, whereas standard extractions are typically straightforward. Wisdom tooth removal may require a surgical incision in the gums for the procedure.



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